I ran my very first marathon the California International Marathon in Sacramento in 2015 at the age of 42. I hardly ever did any intervals or speed workouts (see definition and types of intervals), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_training, as I felt running long and steady runs were the golden keys to unlocking marathons. Yet, in November while on vacation in Palm Springs, less than a month before the marathon, I discovered the freedom and joy of running intervals just because I didn’t feel too good that day and I wanted to do a short but speedy run.
As I kept running faster than 5K pace from one point to another on the winding path lined up with swaying palm trees and colorful desert flowers with short breaks in between, I realized that I was running my fastest mile in the high 7s at the time. I also came up with my own little poem that I wrote it in my mind while running and marveling at the speed of my thoughts intersecting the speed of my feet:
Running Dreams
“Best way to chase
dreams through course sand:
Quick feet, happy heart, and a resolute mind. ”

In 2016, I continued running intervals consistently about once a week. At first, I did not realize that we lived less than 3 miles away from a high school with a new track field, so I discovered a quiet app. 200 meter-path through Jensen Botanical garden, where I ran at full speed, squashing olives under my feet during the winter months. I usually did about two to four intervals there, accelerating through nature and marveling at my kick that seemed to get stronger and more assertive than the previous week’s workout.

- With speed, came liberation and total joy.
- With speed, I squashed fears and doubts about what I could do and could not do.
- With speed, I could feel younger and stronger, kicking dust in death’s face.
- With speed, I erased the wrinkles of time and recreated a new speedy Gonzalez: ME, as my tennis friends had already nicknamed me.
- With speed, came the tiring of every fiber in my muscles, while the heart rejoiced in the new fountain of youth.
- With speed, I became breathless at LIFE and its adventurous paths.
My perfect interval path through Jensen’s Botanical Garden
Towards summer, as I looked to expand my speed workouts, I decided to run to Del Campo High School (less than three miles away from our house) to use the track. Getting your muscles warmed-up before speed workouts is key. The first time I went to the high school, I asked an older gentleman about the distance of the track. I found out that four loops make a mile, so I decided to run 4X 400 meters, which was exhilarating. I blasted every lap and took a short break after each repetition. For more ideas on marathon specific track workouts, check out this article that will give you tons of ideas and ways to get faster!
I ran that mile in the low 6s and I was ecstatic! With interval workouts, there are so many possible combinations and variations: 200, 400, 800, 1,600 meters that you can repeat as many times as you wish, which is why I think interval workouts are one of the most exciting in running. They also burn the most calories. For an idea on a more advanced speed workout and how to stay fully focused when doing intervals, check out this article from Runner’s World.

Whether you do your speed/interval workouts on the track, at a local park running from one tree to another, on any trail, remember to go for speed and the results will astound you, as you will run faster and stronger. Kick it up a notch, and don’t forget to run a few 5K and 10K races to test your new speed!
For more info on running and real estate, whether buying or selling, please e-mail me at carmenmicsa@yahoo.com, or call me at 916-342-2446. Running for real estate with joy!