Running is serendipitous!
Ahh! You might exclaim! The author is trying to invoke serendipity to make us run more! Well, she will need to work hard to make this happen!
It might be just the opposite, I would add. One aspect of Walpole’s original definition of serendipity, often missed in modern discussions of the word, is the need for an individual to be “sagacious” enough to link together apparently innocuous facts in order to come to a valuable conclusion. How many times do you go on a run expecting a typical run, but then things turn out serendipitous? Are you able to detect these moments easily, or do you just run along and miss them?
Serendipity at Ancil Hoffman Park
For instance, I had a really fun run and hiking coincidence one weekend when I was still pretty new to running. Our kids wanted to relax and stay home with my husband, but I decided to go on a 2-mile run to Ancil Hoffman Park right after the cleansing rain. Once I got there, there was a group ready to go on a hike, part of the meet-up group Trail Mix. I asked them if I could join the hike. Our energetic and youthful guide, a man in his late 70s, who still does speed walking races and is super fit, said yes, so I went on a 4.5 mile hike all around Ancil Hoffman Park (my total for the day: 2-mile running and 4.5 mile hiking, which was just great). The people I hiked with were delightful and quite cheerful. We all enjoyed seeing deer, a jack rabbit, turkeys, and relished the scenery. I love exploring and experiencing new things, as well as being open to serendipity.

Another time, I woke up earlier than my normal time on a weekend, because I had a busy day, but I still wanted to get my 5-mile run in. I decided to run through my slice of Paradise, as I call Ancil Hoffman Park .
As the sun gently pushed its way through the tree branches, the artist I listened to on my Ted Talk podcast said the following Egyptian proverb: “Anyone who wants to see the sunrise clearly needs to wipe his eyes well first.” At that moment, I stopped on the trails and took this gorgeous sunrise picture. I love the spiritual and meditative side of running.

Serendipity at Jensen Park
Another time, I went on a quick 4-mile run after finishing all the activities with the kids. I ran to my beautiful Jensen Botanical Garden.
Once there, I noticed the colorful tulips surrounding the old oak tree in a circle of love. At that moment, I smiled sheepishly and came with my own diagnosis: ORD, obsessive running disorder- ha!ha!

Symptoms: increased happiness and productivity at work and life, lots of joy and satisfaction with life, tremendous energy and endurance, laser beam focus, increased concentration and efficiency, exploration of life’s many trails, routes, vistas, etc.
Cure: More running and more meditation in motion.
Time frame for cure: When patient turns 100 years old- ha!ha!
Towards the end of my run, I stopped and talked to one of the gardeners. She immediately offered to give me a tour of the community garden. As I entered the garden, to my left, there was the Misca family garden, which is not our family (we do not have a green thumb – ha!ha! and our name is spelled with a c before before the s), but another wonderful Romanian family. Right away, I appreciated the serendipity that running brought along into my life, as well as the sounds, the smells, the thoughts, and the people I met along the way. Pure bliss.
I pray that God allows me to kick up my heels till I’m 100 to enjoy the serendipity of running and to spread the joy. I also pray that you do the same. Happy feet!
Please post your serendipitous running moments under the comments for our contest. The best one will win a $5 Starbucks gift card.
For more info on running and real estate, whether buying or selling, please e-mail me at, or call me at 916-342-2446. Running for real estate with joy!