When it comes to running in the rain, there is no middle ground: runners either love it, or hate it! Unfortunately, I have been leaning towards the haters group and have stalled and waited around for the rain to stop. Today, I had no choice but to go out in the rain and wind, which makes it even harder. Yet, before leaving the house, I told myself that I needed to have fun with my 10-mile run, so I composed another rap song just like other times when I ran in the rain. Rain equates rap? You might ask. Yep! The tapping sound of rain inspires me to rap, for some odd reason.
Tips for Running in the Rain:
- Do not overdress, as a matter of fact underdress!
- Wear just shorts and T-shirt, if it’s not too cold, as clothes will get soggy and heavy.
- Do not rely on those expensive water proof or water resistant jackets; you will still get wet, so why bother?
- Apply glide, or Vaseline to toes, armpits, and other areas of your body that can get chaffed.
- Be ready to run in wet shoes and socks, which you won’t bother you, once you settle into your comfortable pace.
- Run at your comfortable pace, but allow yourself to be slower, especially if running in the wind and rain like I did today.
- Allow yourself to notice nature, animals, and people you meet, and that way you can be creative, such as coming up with songs, poems, etc. to make the time go by faster and have something to amuse yourself with.
- Watch the road and run in good traction shoes to avoid slipping and falling.
- Pat yourself on the back for sticking to your running schedule and for toughening it out, as you never know what the weather will be like on race day.
- Have fun during the run and relax with a hot soup, tea, or cocoa after the run. It will be all worth it!

Advantages of Running in the Rain:
- I was alone on the bike trail today with wild geese who seemed confused to see the closed trail.
Wild Canada geese exploring the closed trail Geese staying away from the wet trail. 2. I rejoiced in nature and all the bursting blossoms on the trees that reminded me that winter is almost over and spring is inching forward. I loved this blooming tree so much that I came up with a little poem:
“Kissing the bike trail
the soft, delicate petals
are not crushed by pedals
on this rainy, windy day. ”

3. The wind and rain act like resistance bands, so running in the rain is fortifying for the body and mind.

4. You get to inspire others to exercise rain, or shine.

Disadvantages: None.
Go out and run, bike, or walk! A little rain won’t melt your souls! On the contrary, it will fortify them.
For more info on running and real estate, whether buying or selling, please e-mail me at carmenmicsa@yahoo.com, or call me at 916-342-2446. Running for real estate with joy!