“As long as you can run, jog, walk, crawl, hop and skip for many hours, you are an ultra runner.” Carmen Micsa
Two weeks after I had completed my second 50K race with a 48-min PR from my very first ultra marathon the 2016 Folsom Gold Rush, my coach and I decided that I was ready to run another 50K race, the Chanoako 50K, which was new this year. With my American River 50-mile race approaching in April, I needed another long run, so after my new trail runner Tracy Bedwell told me that she would be running Chanoako 50K, I jumped on it. Organized by Total Body Fitness, the Chanoako 50K did not have major elevation gains, but it had technical terrain in some spots. Nonetheless, I told my coach that my goal was to break 6 hours in this race. He believed that I should be able to do it. I was excited about my new challenge.
The Start Line
My sweet husband dropped me off at the start line at the Auburn Overlook from where we would run all the way to Granite Bay Beach by Folsom Lake. The weather was perfect with cloudy skies, but no rain or wind. The temperatures in the low 50s perfect for a long run in short sleeve. My coach Robert Ressl-Moyer was also running the 50K . It was wonderful to see him at the start line and later on have him cheer on me at the finish line. I felt particularly more motivated to break 6 hours and run a strong race. Moreover, I knew I could do it due to the focused and personalized training schedule that Robert created for me – feel free to check out his website and maybe take your fitness and running to the next level. I was also happy to see my friend Tracy Bedwell who had the same goal to break 6 hours. We even talked about running this together and pushing each other. However, at mile 2, we got separated and had to run our own race. In racing, we need to be flexible. If it works to run with a partner, we do it, and if not, we need to keep moving.

The first mile of the race, I ran it a little fast at 7:43 pace, since it was all downhill, but then I slowed down in the 9s and 10s. I felt exuberant and confident about today’s race for some reason. I even got myself a new pair of compression pants, as I knew I would need the support and wanted to wear something new in my race, which brought me good luck in past races when I ran with a new water bottle, new arm sleeves, and so on.

The Race and My Thoughts While Running
The undulating trail unraveled in front of me and helped me gain momentum at times, while slowing me down when the terrain was steep, uneven, or rocky. I felt good running at a steady pace between 9 and 10 minutes, which gave wings to keep running until I reached the next aid station, and then the next.
I have learned that the 10-mile mark during a 50K race is crucial, as it feels like the first big boulder that we move out of the way to reach the finish line. I always say to myself: “I am third way done with my 50K race. Running strong! I got this!”
As I passed the 10-mile mark, I also started to pass more runners. I worked hard on staying focused on my form, since my right knee started to hurt me from breaking a little too much on the downhill. I kept running and staying within each mile. I also paid attention to the course and followed the pink ribbons to make sure I remained on track, for who wants to add any more distance to an already long race? Around mile 15, I passed a younger woman after I kept seeing her running in front of me. I felt strong and steady.
From miles 15 to about 24, I have developed my race mantra, which is different for every race depending on how I feel and the conditions in the race. This time, I came up with one word that kept me running up and down the hills: UNSTOPPABLE. I kept telling myself that I am unstoppable, so that I don’t get any ideas that I needed to quickly stop when my legs, gluteus muscle, or my knees had their own ultra running story to tell. I also kept assuring myself that I was mighty and strong, which reminded me of my co-ed soccer days with my husband before our kids were born. Our friends used to call me “mighty mouse,” as I was fearless and always ready to score from a great pass.
The advantage of running this race was that we were running my next race American River 50 mile in reverse. I knew the terrain from all the wonderful training runs with my trail runner friends from Trail Running Adventures and Trail Mix. I also knew that I had to run carefully when I got to the meat grinder, which is called that for a reason. Capable of grinding feet, muscles, and joints, the meat grinder could not grind my spirit, I told myself, feeling, or more exactly pretending to be in control of the rocks, large steps I had to hop on, twists and turns, roots, and steep terrain. I did not take any chances, so I slowed down to a shuffle around there. I even saw the race photographer, as I was carefully keeping my balance and moving forward. I gave him a big smile pretending the meat grinder and I were best buddies.

The gentle downhills helped me out, but the steep and rocky ones made my legs quiver with doubt in my downhill abilities. I even admitted to myself that I was not a strong downhill runner, but did not let that truth smear my rosy image of me finishing this race under 6 hours. Another constant concern I had during the run was the snacking on time without losing energy. The race was super well-organized and the owners of Total Body Fitness always put together the best races. However, when I realized that I would get no bananas, or other fresh fruit during this race, I turned a little grumpy, for I love eating bananas during marathons and ultra marathons. My friend and awesome training partner Andrea Brizendine made fun of me when I recapped the race for her and said that maybe that’s the reason I ran faster, as I wanted to get to the real food at the finish. Great point! Having relied mainly on Cliff gels, shot blocks, dry fruit, and some pretzels kept me running to fill up my stomach with the real deal at the finish.
The Finish Line
The last 6 miles of the race were a combination of levee running, which was flat and rocky, but helped me run a little faster, running around the parking lot of Beal’s point, and up and down hills around Cavitt in Granite Bay, CA, where I tried to shift my focus from the steep hills to the gorgeous homes towering over the lake and winking at the trail. My Garmin watch and Strava were telling me different times, but I knew that I had to keep running strong to finish under 6 hours.
My goal to break 6 hours was starting to become attainable. It was not just a phantom anymore; it started to crystalize. At this point in the race when I passed the 26ish marathon distance, the miles just came and went, buzzing around like butterfly wings, without me keeping too much track of them. The hills, trails, and my legs were the real time keepers, so things shifted to my interior monologue. I uncovered the simple truth that ultra running is a long meat grinder, as well as a joyous triumph at the end when you forget how you piled up 31 miles. Running ultras also feels like running on top of clouds at times when things go well and you feel the “unbearable lightness of being,” or simply running in Dante’s Inferno – punished to eternity.
I kept running and stayed focused on my form to finish strong. As I reached the parking lot at Granite Head Beach, I remembered the finish of other trail races, as well as my triathlon. I started to speed up to get to the finish line. Will I finish under 6 hours? I was so fortunate that my body has this wonderful extra bounciness and energy at the end of races, so I started to work on my final kick for the race. As I ran down, the straight and flat path towards the finish line, I saw my coach Robert in the distance. He was cheering for me – visibly happy and excited. I knew that I had to switch gears and kick it higher.
“Go, Carmen!” my coach cheered for me with all his being. “You got this!” “Go, go, go!” Although he took my video running to the finish line, I posted below the video that my friend Monica Davis took of me, as she kept still a little better than my coach -just saying – ha!ha! Emotions, joy, bliss, infinite gratitude.
I heard other friends cheer for me and there was nobody coming behind me, so when the announcer said my name, I crossed the finish line with a big smile and looked at the race clock. It showed the final race time of 5:59:20. Yet, my official time was 5:56:29 – even better.
“I made it under 6 hours,” I told my coach.
“Yes, you were also third female,” he said with a proud look on his face.
“In my age group?” I asked.
“No, third overall.”
I was ecstatic. I hugged my sweet husband who was waiting for me. We took a few pictures. What a feat! Two weeks after running Salmon Falls 50K I was able to get a 30-min PR, run under 6 hours and finish third woman overall in a smaller and beautiful Chanoako 50K race. We are capable of great things when we believe and work hard!

After the awards, I was happy to eat pasta and salad. My body felt great and I could not have been happier with my race. My gratitude goes to my wonderful family, our sweet kids, Alex and Sophia, my mom whom I dedicated this race to, my awesome Fleet Feet racing team, and all my friends and running partners. It takes a village to raise a runner and I could not have done this on my own!
My coach was happy with my running two 50K races just two weeks apart, because they had taught me to run on tired legs and be well-prepared for my first 50-mile race, the American River 50, the second oldest 50-mile race in America.
How about you? Have you ever run a 50K race? How about a 50-miler? Share your experiences here.
For more info on running and real estate, whether buying or selling, please e-mail me at carmenmicsa@yahoo.com, or call me at 916-342-2446. Running for real estate with joy!