Pressed by time and not wanting to be away too long from my family, the same day I ran New York City, my seventh marathon, I flew back to Sacramento, which did not give me enough time to have a proper meal afterwards. Luckily, a kind, blonde-haired flight attendant , realized how hungry I was and gave me double the snacks and some food I ordered. Yet, nothing seemed to satisfy my insatiable appetite that stretched as long and steep as the bridges I had run over during the marathon, so the flight attendant’s final offer was two bags of popcorners, which inspired me to write this flash fiction. Let’s not delay things. Pick up your own popcorners, sit back, and enjoy reading.

“Sweet and salty kettle corn never fried,” pops out at me in capital letters on the red and black package that the flight attendant kindly handed to me. I opened the bag quickly and popped them into my mouth. The sweet and salty flavor of the chips transported me back to New York’s five boroughs when my sweat mixed with the sweetness of the spectators cheering on all the runners. As I turned over the package, I came across this message: “We believe your best self begins when you decide to do one better – whether that’s running a little farther, laughing a little louder, or snacking a little healthier.”
“Hmm! How did these cunning marketing people know that I wished to run a little farther?” I asked myself, feeling a little stronger and well-nourished.
My answer: the same way the flight attendant knew to give me two bags of popcorners with the first three words on top of the bag reading: “Do one better.”