If a Thanksgiving feast ‘table’ can walk a 5K, so can you!

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” — John Milton
Thanksgiving is more than feasting with family and friends; it is the perfect way to express gratitude.
On a crisp and clear Thanksgiving morning, I ran a 5K race at Run To Feed The Hungry in Sacramento, CA, which organizers call the largest turkey trot in the country. This race, which broke all previous records this year with 31,285 participants running and walking, has become a tradition for me. My daughter joined me this year, which made me grateful for the gift of movement and family time together.
As we walked towards the start line, we were delighted to see one of the most creative holiday outfits. To my great surprise, the lovely lady dressed in the festive Thanksgiving table outfit was one of my tennis friends.
Her story and Thanksgiving tradition started in 1999 when Heather participated in her first Run To Feed The Hungry race and wore a fancy turkey hat. From there, she kept adding to her outfit until it became the elaborate and festive table she carried joyfully during her 5K yearly walks.
Heather took pictures with us and everyone else who wanted a memorable memory. She truly brightened people’s day with her presence, smile, and kindness.
At the end of another Thanksgiving Day spent with my family and friends, I smiled and came up with one word of gratitude: movement.
If my friend Heather walked a 5K dressed as a table, imagine what your body can do!
Final takeaways:
- Creating traditions around holidays is a fun way to celebrate, especially when we move together and are active.
- Holidays can be stressful, especially when it comes to entertaining guests, but why not participate in a turkey run the morning of the holiday to help raise money for organizations like Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services, which receive all the proceeds from the race?
- We can all channel Heather’s fun and creativity by finding ways to warm people’s souls and hearts daily — no special events or holidays are needed.
- Let’s enjoy the wonders of our bodies, which move much better when we practice walking, running, or any other sports we enjoy.
For more info on running and real estate, whether buying or selling, please e-mail me at carmenmicsa@yahoo.com, or call me at 916–342–2446.
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For more inspiration on how to let “AIR,” which stands for adaptation, inspiration, and resilience, guide you, please consider buying my print edition or e-book The PR- The Poetics of Running, A Book of Poetry in Motion and Morsels of Love, A Book of Poetry and Short Forms on Amazon, or any other of my books.
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Running for real estate with joy!